Monday, March 3, 2008

Bentwater Idol

As many of you know, I have been rehearsing non-stop for our neighborhood American Cancer Society fundraiser, "Bentwater Idol...Is that my Neighbor?". I was very happy that the parents came for the show and to meet Laika on Friday. The show went well with only minor difficulties and got better every night. I did three numbers: Perhaps, Chicago (I was Roxie Hart), and Feeling Good. I had the opportunity to meet some wonderful people and build new friendships. I will let you know once we have the tally on how much money we raised. I hope you enjoy the slideshow with pictures of the cast and me in my costumes. If I can figure out how to do some video editing on my camcorder I'll try to put a clip of my performances.


The Young Family said...

Wow, Y'all look trampy.......that was the point though, right?

Matt and Terra said...

Have you seen the movie of pictures from the stage production? We look conservative compared to some of their outfits.

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