Sunday, July 8, 2007

Happy 4th of July Miss Pippa!

Pippa had a great day on the fourth. It started like any other day, with breakfast and a trip outside, but then later that day something new happened. There was a parade with a patriotic pet contest! She came and told me that it was time to assemble and that she thought she had a shot, so I helped her put on her air force jacket and then accompanied her to the assembly area. There she told me she thought she would look more patriotic if I tied some ballons to her. She really wanted them so I couldn't say no. After she was equipped with her jacket and balloons. We proceeded behind the ambulance (It was kind of hot, so I thought I should stay close) down the parade route to the park. When it was time to judge the pets, the announcer decided to point to each animal with a hot dog in hand. Pip decided that this was obviously her cue to start her show so she began to dance on her hind legs. The crowd loved it and then she was interrupted by the ringing of a cellphone. She decided that she was not only supposed to dance, but if she wanted to win this thing that she must sing as well. She sang a song and the crowd laughed and clapped so she sang some more. The mob of patriots declared her their winner and she was awarded her prize. In one hand the announcer still had his untouched hot dog and in the other was a silly dog toy. She decided that her prize of choice was in fact, the hot dog. The crowd roared and applauded her great decision. She smiled at them and was very proud. After she was finished with her hot dog we walked home where her Dad was grilling steak. When we were done eating, Pip told him that since it is independence day that she is entitled to a small piece of steak. He agreed and gave her a small piece (this is a rare occasion, she never gets anything except dog food). This made her happy, but she told him that she would not be completely content until he gave her the bone. After all, he was only going to throw it away. He could not say no, so he gave her the bone. She has been chewing on it ever since. It was the best decision that he could have made. Pip would like you all to know that the Fourth of July is by far, the best Holiday of the year. After discovering how well the bone works at enertaining her, we have to agree.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you need kids.